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Understanding Waterproof Smartwatches - A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Waterproof Smartwatches - A Comprehensive Guide

A waterproof smartwatch has all the features of a smartwatch, but it can also work well in water. A watch with a high water resistance rating will allow you to swim or dive with it.

In the true sense, a water-resistant product is not waterproof. In fact, there is no waterproof watch in the real sense. Instead, water resistance makes it difficult for water to enter a watch. So, waterproof smartwatches are just water-resistant models.

This article will discuss everything you should know about waterproof smartwatches.

Understanding Waterproof Smartwatches - A Comprehensive Guide

The Importance of Waterproof Smartwatches

When water enters a smartwatch, it causes various problems. For example, water can make your device rust. Rust makes a watch unattractive and can cause damage. Water can damage smartwatch batteries. Also, smartwatches can experience display issues after exposure to water.

Waterproof smartwatches help to prevent these issues. These smartwatches are more durable than other non-water-resistant types. As a result, waterproof smartwatches are useful for many real-life situations, such as:

Swimming: Taking off your smartwatch to swim can be inconvenient. In that case, you can wear a waterproof smartwatch to swim.

Scuba diving: Divers need a waterproof smartwatch. Otherwise, the change in water pressure can affect your watch's seals. This will allow water inside the watch, causing damage. But water-resistant watches will remain intact despite the pressure.

Workouts/Exercise: The sweat from workouts can weaken your watch's seal. The seal helps to keep water away but can become ineffective. But waterproof smartwatches help you prevent this outcome.

Water Resistance Ratings

Water resistance rating shows your smartwatch's protection level against water. It uses IEC and IP to show the protection level. Ingress protection (IP) ratings indicate the dust and water resistance of devices. 

An IP rating with X and a number means an item has been water-tested. If the IP has two numbers, the item has been tested for dust and water. For instance, if you see an IP68 rating, the first number 6 means dust protection level. The second number, 8, means water resistance level.

In terms of IP rating, IP69 is the highest water protection level. This rating means that your smartwatch is waterproof. You can take it into a water level of 1.5 meters for 30 minutes without issues. 

As your watch ages, its IP rating reduces. It might not be water-resistant for long. Taking good care of your smartwatch is critical so it doesn't get damaged easily.

Understanding Waterproof Smartwatches - A Comprehensive Guide

Types of Water-Related Activities for Your Smartwatch

What activities can you do at the various water resistance levels?:

  • IPXO smartwatches are not water-protected, so don't use them near water.
  • IPX1 to IPX3 watches are only resistant to dripping water. You can run, hike, cook, or wash laundry with it.
  • From IPX4 to IPX6, you can use your watch when fishing or kayaking.  
  • At IPX7-IPX9, your watch can work well underwater for some time. You can use it to swim, scuba dive, and snorkel.

Everyday use: If you want a smartwatch for basic uses, get one that handles water splashes. Some of these uses are handwashing, washing clothes, and cooking. For these purposes, you can get a smartwatch with an IPX2 to IPX3 rating.

Indoor and outdoor activities: A waterproof smartwatch is fit for indoor workouts or occasional outdoor rain. An IP67 or IP68 smartwatch is good for these purposes. These ratings can withstand dust, dirt, and water. 

Swimming: Swimmers should choose a watch with a high IP rating. This will protect your watch from long exposure to water. Also, get a watch that has swimming features. These include a stroke, a swim lap, and a heart rate tracker. It’s nice to get a smartwatch with a water lock. This feature will prevent your touchscreen from working in water. 

Snorkeling and scuba diving: These two water activities need a high IP rating of IPX8. This will allow you to stay in the water for longer.

Some Popular Waterproofing Technologies

Waterproof smartwatches use different techniques or materials to make them water-resistant. Watchmakers close these watches tightly to leave out water.

Some waterproofing methods used are:

Gluing or sealing the gaskets: Watch manufacturers use watertight seals on the case and gasket. This step helps to protect the watch from water. 

Using rubber materials: Rubber is water-resistant. So, rubber or silicone materials help to protect your watch from water.

Care and Maintenance of Smartwatches

How can you maintain our smartwatch's waterproof integrity? Here are some ways:

  • Avoid exposing your watch to very high pressure.
  • Avoid exposing your watch to high-temperature changes.
  • Make sure your watch crown is fastened.
  • After exercise or a shower, clean your smartwatch with a dry cloth.
  • Clean off oils and sunscreen from your watch with a lather-free soap. Dry the watch immediately.
  • Do not use soap or abrasives to clean the smartwatch.
  • Protect your watch display with a waterproof screen guard.
  • If your watch falls into water, dry it with a clean cloth. You can also air-dry it.
  • Seek professional advice if you need help.

Limitations and Considerations

Remember that your waterproof smartwatch has limitations. So, when buying one, check the IP ratings. Also, ensure that you read the manufacturer’s guide. This booklet will tell you how long it can last underwater and what water-based activities you can do with it.

Also, know that your smartwatch can wear and tear as it ages. As a result, the water-resistant feature can weaken. You may need to replace your old smartwatch to get the same water protection.

Understanding Waterproof Smartwatches - A Comprehensive Guide

Future Trends in Waterproof Smartwatches

Waterproof smartwatches will keep getting better. Here are some future trends to expect:

Advanced membranes: Membranes are small bits of material that are water-resistant. Some advanced membranes are synthetic rubber and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). These materials will protect a smartwatch from getting wet.

Advanced liquid coatings: These are replacing older waterproof coatings. They include acrylic and polyurethane coatings. They seal gaskets and watch faces tightly. They help increase the life span of smartwatches.  

Advanced watch bands: New smartwatches use nylon or silicone watch bands. These materials can withstand water without issues. They are much better than leather or metal bands.


When buying a waterproof smartwatch, consider what you would use it for. Then, consider the ratings for different activities. Whether it is for swimming or daily use, it's critical to choose the right IP rating. This will allow your smartwatch to be in the water. These watches also last longer. Besides the IP rating, consider other features and quality of the smartwatch. Also, take steps to protect your watch from damage.

A cost-effective waterproof smartwatch is worth the price. At Kumi Global, we make low-cost and efficient smartwatches. Our watches are fancy, comfy, and water-resistant. You can order budget-friendly smartwatches today. 

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