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Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure to Precision on Your Wrist

Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure to Precision on Your Wrist

Smartwatches are more than just accessories. People use smartwatches for different purposes. For example, it’s a timepiece for some, while others use it to track their health and fitness goals. 

The watches help their wearers track critical health metrics like sleep time and blood pressure. How does a smartwatch measure your blood pressure? This article will discuss this in detail.

Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure to Precision on Your Wrist

Understanding Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force your blood pushes on your arteries' walls. Your arteries carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body. So, throughout the day, your blood pressure rises and falls. 

Blood pressure is measured with two numbers. They are known as systolic and diastolic. The unit of measurement is in mmHg (or Millimeter Mercury). When your blood pressure is 120 systolic and 75 diastolic, it is written as 120/75 mmHg.

There are different traditional ways to measure your blood pressure. One is the typical traditional monitor. This method measures blood pressure by sensing the pressure on your artery. 

Another way is to insert a tube into the artery. Then, measure the pressure from the blood. Medical experts rarely use this method due to its nature.

Blood pressure is an essential health metric. High and low blood pressure are serious illnesses today. Many people suffer from these ailments. They can even lead to death. So, it is wise to know your BP levels and seek help.

Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure to Precision on Your Wrist

The Technology Behind Smartwatch Blood Pressure Monitoring

Smartwatches are new ways to measure blood pressure. Unlike the traditional monitor, smartwatches use sensors to measure BP. Some examples are the ECG (Electrocardiogram) and optical PPG (Photoplethysmography) sensors. Also, unlike the traditional method, most smartwatches don’t use a cuff. 

Smartwatches use a technique called PPG to measure how blood pumps using a light sensor and LED. The important part of this process is how to calculate the blood pressure. Smartwatches use these 3 methods to calculate blood pressure:

Pulse Transit Time

This measures the time a pulse wave travels from one part to another. To do so, you can use two PPG sensors to measure the time the pulse wave travels.

Pulse Wave Analysis (PWA)

Many smartwatches estimate BP (blood pressure) with pulse wave analysis. This method relies on the amount of blood passing your arteries. A high amount of blood is equal to a high BP. One downside is that it can’t tell you your blood pressure (in mmHg). Also, you need to calibrate it with a traditional BP device every month to work.

Pulse Arrival Time (PAT)

This technique measures the time between the peak of your PPG and ECG. The shorter the PAT, the higher the blood pressure. Like the PWA, PAT doesn’t tell you your absolute BP. You also need to calibrate with a traditional BP device regularly.

Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure to Precision on Your Wrist

Methodology: How Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure

From a technical perspective, a smartwatch measures blood pressure using the oscillometric method. This involves measuring the change of pressure in the arteries caused by heartbeats. When your heart pumps blood, it creates a pulse wave. This wave travels through your arteries and is detected by the smartwatch sensors.  

There are some data analysis tools for measuring blood pressure precision in smartwatches. They include the Bland-Altman plots and the Taffe method. Both methods reduce bias when using smartwatches to measure blood pressure.

User Experience: Steps Involved in Measuring Blood Pressure Using a Smartwatch

When measuring blood pressure, here are some steps to keep in mind:

  • The smartwatch will be calibrated using a traditional BP device.
  • Some smartwatch models require you to download an app to take readings.
  • You will wear the BP cuff and take your readings using the watch.
  • The smartwatch will use a PPG sensor to measure your blood pressure and take readings.
  • The downloaded app will analyze the readings for you.

When measuring your blood pressure, follow the steps below:

  • Avoid tobacco and caffeine products for 30 minutes before the measurement.
  • Sit in the bathroom or chair for five minutes before checking.
  • Stay still and keep your legs flat without crossing them.
  • Keep your wrist and the watch below your heart.
  • Do not speak or move when measuring.
  • Ensure that your smartwatch sensor is clean and the watch is on your wrist.
  • Make sure your watch’s strap is fitted enough to measure your blood pressure.

Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure to Precision on Your Wrist

Advantages of Using Smartwatches for Blood Pressure Monitoring

Some advantages of smartwatches are:

  • It is convenient and easy to use. You can check your blood pressure anywhere at any time.
  • It also allows you to track your BP every time. You can quickly notice changes, and it also records data.
  • By regularly using a smartwatch to measure BP, you avoid complications. You also detect health issues early.

Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure to Precision on Your Wrist

Limitations and Considerations

Measuring blood pressure comes with many limitations. For example, accuracy is one limitation. Many experts debate the accuracy of these gadgets when measuring blood pressure. However, there is still research work on improving the accuracy. 

Some researchers have suggested factors to improve accuracy. They include individual variation, proper calibration, and user techniques. More technological advancements will enhance measurement methods and accuracy.  

In some situations, traditional methods are better. This is because the PPG sensors are prone to interference. This can affect the quality of the readings, making it inaccurate. Also, the blood pressure is not always your absolute BP in mmHg. Traditional methods will give you your actual blood pressure in mmHg. So, hypertensive patients may benefit from a more conventional monitor. 

Measuring your blood pressure requires professional assistance. Medical professionals understand your health needs better. They can also recommend the best method for measuring your BP. So, make sure you speak to your doctor before making a decision.

Smartwatches Measure Blood Pressure to Precision on Your Wrist


Smartwatches play a huge role in health care today. They can track sleep patterns, heart rate, and other movements. Smartwatches also help you measure blood pressure. The future of smartwatches in health monitoring is quite promising. Modern studies will help improve accuracy in reading blood pressure. 

Modern technology has improved the techniques for measuring BP with smartwatches. You can order the latest and best smartwatches from Kumi Global today. 

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